Athlete Assessments

Proven Sports Profiling for athletes, coaches and professionals. We are the experts in what makes our clients successful |

Athlete Assessments is best known for its athlete and coach profiling, and team dynamics consulting (using the AthleteDISC, CoachDISC and ManagerDISC Profiling assessments) and is a leader in coach education and sports management professional development. Through the growth of their business, Athlete Assessments also 'wholesales' their Profiles to sports psychologists and other consultants to use with their clients.

With the Athlete Assessments' AthleteDISC, CoachDISC and ManagerDISC Profiles, you access ways to better communicate with and motivate, yourself & others. Gain knowledge of limiting and strengthening behaviours. Most importantly, identify your behaviours that produce the best performances, on & off the 'field'.

Founded by Bo Hanson, 4x Olympian and now International Coaching Consultant, their clients include some of the top teams and athletes at Olympic, National, State, and USA College Level. Contact us to find out what great coaches get right!

Our History
Once upon a time there was a rower...
Athlete Assessments owes its existence to Bo Hanson, an Australian elite rower who competed in four Olympic Games, winning three bronze medals. As an athlete, Bo left no stone unturned in his quest for reaching his full potential.
During the latter stages of his career, Bo searched for a way to understand his behavior as it related to his training, racing and his performance results. This led Bo to learning about DISC behavioral theory, the Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator, Emotional Intelligence and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Bo learned about his strengths and how to use them more often, and he learned how to improve upon his limitations. DISC Theory also enabled Bo to understand his fellow crewmembers and how to build more productive and fulfilling relationships with them.
Thanks to his understanding of DISC and behavioral profiling, Bo found the latter stages of his rowing career became the most successful and enjoyable years he spent in the boat.
Prior to retiring from his competitive career in 2004, Bo became an expert in DISC behavioral theory and application. At that time the DISC model was most relevant to those in the business world, and whilst it was somewhat useful to Bo as an athlete, he observed that it was not designed to really meet the specific needs of sport.
So, together with a team of passionate experts including sports coaches, IT developers and other DISC accredited professionals, Bo developed AthleteDISC, and created his company Athlete Assessments in 2007. In doing this, Bo and his team gave athletes around the world the first sports version of DISC theory and behavior profiling. Because athletes and coaches have different needs, CoachDISC, a similar tool specifically for sports coaches, followed in early 2009. After many requests from clients, in early 2011 the ManagerDISC was launched as the latest professional development tool specifically for sports managers and administrators.

Consulting/business services